Three different ways to write a chakra meditation

Three different ways to write a chakra meditation

SIn this week’s blog post ACMM Principal, Lisa Forde shares three effective and creative ways for meditation teachers to guide a chakra meditation. Continue reading to find out more!

I find chakras to be one of the most fascinating system for understanding and growth on all levels.

Just the concepts of kundalini, energy patterns and centres, the manifestation and liberation currents,  and the sushumna are incredible concepts.

Then there is the grace with which our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual aspects interact within this system. The fact that the system is able to so neatly describe and bring together so many facets of the human experience.

I am fascinated with the fluid and constantly changing states of our chakra system, that is a blueprint for our current state. I love this explanation by Ram Dass of how chakra blockages work.

“As the kundalini energy uncoils itself up the spine, it passes through each of those chakras in turn, through the focus of each form of energy. The kundalini radiates out from the sushumna at each chakra level, and it energizes or activates, each of the physical/psychological energy fields. But is, as the kundalini starts to rise, it comes to a centre which is blocked, the energy will emerge as some form of behaviour. It’s like water going up a tube; if it gets to a crimp in the tube, it can’t go up any further.”[1]

Meditation and Chakras

Meditation and movement can be effective ways to balance, clear and reactivate flow in our chakras.  Meditating with our chakras, and bringing our awareness and focus to these energy centres, can enable us to intuit their state. We can do this by noticing sensations, thoughts and emotions as we focus on each one.

There are many ways we can meditate with the chakras, including:

– Using the chakra sounds (a different vocal chanting sound made for each of the chakras).

– Meditating with the chakra colours, separately or together.

– Meditation to support (a) chosen theme/s related to the life lessons for that chakra.

Most of these are easily self-guided, or can be used for guiding groups.  Following the ACMM method of guiding meditation, these techniques can be used in the body connection or technique stage, depending on their suitability.

1. Chakra Sound Meditation

A Chakra Sound Meditation can be guided in 2 different ways:

Listening/Playing meditation – By playing instruments or music that stimulate or clear each chakra. If you are going to play instruments yourself then you might like to do some research or training to make sure that you do this in a gentle and supportive way.

Vocal meditation – You can guide a meditation that uses chanting of each chakra sound to open and clear the chakras.

I love sound meditation (listening), because it can be so relaxing and passive. It can be done lying down, and requires little effort other than maintaining an open and sensory awareness to the sound and following any instructions. I find it really helpful when I am feeling emotional, stressed or tired.

Combining listening meditation with movement can be an enlivening alternative. Instead of lying down, you can move to the music in any way that feels right for you. You may like to use certain music for certain chakras (a prepared playlist) and focus on each chakra as you move. Thereby tuning into the needs for each chakra and moving your body.

2. Guiding a Colour Visualization

This is what many of us think of when we think of Chakra Meditation. The traditional visualization of “the rainbow bridge”, focusing on each chakra and colour in turn.

This is a simple meditation to clear and balance the chakras and is very accessible for beginners.

It’s interesting to consider whether to begin at the base chakra or the crown chakra. What do you prefer?

For me, I like to begin at the base, since it feels denser and more related to basic and foundational themes. The journey up the chakras feels like a “lightening” and “freeing” of thoughts and feelings. From the more intense and earth bound concerns of daily life in the base and sacral chakras. Even up to the lofty, blissful and esoteric feelings in the upper chakras. This kind of flow is like the liberation current, where we free ourselves of material and tribal thinking. We then move into higher states of awareness and consciousness.

On the other hand, when I started guiding meditation 18 years ago, I used to do it the other way around. Start at the crown and in a sense bring higher values and thoughts down towards the base. I was following the manifestation current, seeking to embody and bring into my life new ideas and insights. Manifesting more light into my life.

Each method suited my needs and priorities at the time.

3. Meditating on the Chakra themes

My personal favourite and more of an inquiry style meditation.  It may work best to choose one particular chakra to focus on. Since one theme or one chakra can be multidimensional and contain various aspects and complexities.

You can address themes in various ways:

  • Using keywords or phrases or affirmations and meditating on these.
  • Asking a question and contemplating this.
  • Beginning with some journaling to identify the issues/chakras that you want to bring attention to. Then choosing an appropriate meditation to support that issue.

I find it enthralling that the 7 chakras alone contain enough themes and possibilities to keep us busy for a whole lifetime!

I hope you enjoy trying these methods and would love to hear how you enjoy meditating with the Chakras.

If you feel ready to embark on a guided journey through the chakras, complete with coaching, take a look at our Meditation and the Chakras elective. Filled with tools and techniques, this journey into the chakras enables you to practice lots of meditation techniques. Enabling you to learn more about the dimensions, themes and applications of each chakra. This program also provides credits towards the Certificate or Advanced Certificate in Guiding and Teaching Meditation.

With love, Lisa

[1] P 302 Paths To God – Ram Dass