Teresa – Rediscovering joy through meditation

Teresa – Rediscovering joy through meditation

 It brings us great joy to launch a new format for our readers. Having received so much positive feedback about the ‘Highlighting Our Graduates’ series, we thought it would be wonderful to let you know about some of the amazing people who currently study meditation teacher training with us.

So, welcome to the ‘Highlighting Our Students’ series!

We are so pleased to introduce our first student, Teresa Greenow.


Hi Teresa! Thanks so much for being willing to share in your learning journey. Tell us a little bit about yourself and the joy you have found in meditation.

I live in the northern suburbs of Sydney with my beautiful son Jeremy and our adorable pets. A dog called LeBron King and a cat called Prince Cuddles.

I am passionate about the beginning of a new day.  Every morning I am conscious to start my day with gratitude and uplifting rituals.  I find that meditation with a beautiful sunrise fills me up with inspiration, joy and positive energy.  Other things that inspire joy for me are going for nature walks and hugging trees! And of course, a great dose of laughter with my friends and family. I also love listening to music and travelling.

I was introduced to travelling at an early age and fell in love with experiencing the different cultures, food and people. As a little girl, I can remember looking out the window of the plane and marveling at the vastness and beauty of the universe.  I think unknowingly this is where my love for meditation occurred as I would stare out the window for hours and I still do this. I have been blessed to have travelled to many places around the world.

My passion for continually striving to be healthy keeps me motivated to learn and exploring new ways of mind, body and spirit connection. It has also fueled my creativity to make candles and my own products using essential oils for wellbeing.  My passion for helping people and animals are weaved into everything I do with a sense of wonderment, joy and connectedness to all of the universe.


What attracted you to become a study meditation and become a teacher?

I have experienced sad and challenging events throughout my life. Such as the loss of my mother at an early age, divorce, and being a single mother. These experiences encouraged me to find ways to nourish myself and to build my confidence and self-esteem.

This is what lead me down the path of becoming a Heal Your Life workshop leader, licensed by Louise Hay. I also studied to be a Reiki Healer. These new exciting pathways sparked my interest in diving deep into the stillness of present-moment awareness for healing.  I wanted to be able to share this knowledge.

When researching meditation teacher training, I read the information and listened to Lisa on the ACMM website. I knew immediately that I wanted to study with this college.  It was exactly what I was looking for. Approved and varied training. It would allow me to develop my own unique skills, talents and abilities to deliver meditation in an effective way.


How has meditation impacted you on a personal level, especially your joy levels?

During my meditation practice, there’s a sense of joy being sparked from within! I feel more positivity and happiness than before, it’s like life seems to flow more smoothly.   The ripple effects from each session in mediation just flow into my everyday life and I notice how I easily remain more pro-active in challenging situations.

Honestly… Meditation has taught me to be more compassionate towards myself and other people (a big win for everyone involved). Meditation has helped me connect to the bigger part of me that is divine, filled with joy and magical. The benefits of my meditation practice has helped me to create a loving restful space that nourishes me and also has expanded my consciousness into the vastness and unlimited potential of the universe.


What does your personal meditation practice look like? What styles or types of meditation bring you joy?

My morning ritual begins with meditation and gratitude, followed by a healthy serving of dark chocolate and a cup of healing tea. I love finding things to be grateful for. I celebrate every success no matter how small.

Each day begins with my favourite affirmation “I know some of the experiences that will happen today, however, I do not know it all. I look forward to what this new day will bring”.

Most of my meditations are heart-based, and this brings me joy.  For me, setting a loving intention helps me connect to my inner stillness. It takes me away from my busy mind and into my loving heart energy. I like to imagine connecting to the vibration of my heart and feeling the love and joy ripple outwards to the world.

I also like to meditate before I go to bed at night. It puts me in a wonderful relaxed space for sleeping.

Meditation is a big part of my life and a joy.  I intuitively know if I need to use it throughout the day.

Some of the meditations I like to use include mindfulness & mindful breathing meditations to relieve built-up stress. I also enjoy focussed breath awareness from the heart centre when I need to be held and nurtured or for self-love. Mantras and Affirmations also help for stilling my mind, focus and goal setting. Sound healing, laughter and dance meditations help me tap into the power of My Chakras to enhance the health of my body, mind and spirit. I allow my spirit to soar through all these wonderful practices.

My intention is always to come from a place of love for people, animals, nature and the universe.

Teresa Greenow

What are your plans for when you finish studying?

I plan to start my own business when I finish my studies.

As a Meditation Teacher, Heal Your Life Workshop Leader and Reiki Practitioner my business will focus on creating a safe place where people can allow themselves to be vulnerable enough to explore their weaknesses, as wells as their strengths.

My vision is to hold my own 8 Week Beginners Meditation Course. I would like to teach the different styles of meditation and help people establish a life-long practice.  It’s also my intention to assist people on the Journey to Self Love which is a Heal your life 3 hours workshop. This includes inner child work.

I believe that when we learn to connect to our authentic self, we give ourselves permission to shine. Our discovery is a journey. By giving ourselves the time to slow down and open our minds, we allow ourselves to access the beauty of who we truly are.

I believe that meditation is the perfect tool to allow us to do this. It slows down our minds and thoughts enough to access this inner wisdom and power.

My business motto will be:

Once your body is still it is easier for the mind to become quiet – opening the doorway to receive new insights and inspiration.

By focusing on this, I will allow a space for people to explore their emotions, accept them and know that they are safe to reach a place of stillness and tranquillity.

I love to guide people to explore the power of meditation. I hold a space of love and compassion so that they can be nourished. So that they can seek their own unfolding of inner wisdom and self-love to flourish.


Are there any ways that you are already using your meditation teacher training skills?

My skills in meditative practices were recently recognised by my Manager in my role as a Specialist Administration Officer for local government.  They asked me if I would like to run meditations twice a week in the morning for my team. It was an opportunity I was excited to accept!

At the moment, my meditations are offered remotely due to current coronavirus restrictions. It has been so wonderful to have received great feedback from my colleagues, as to how they have found it, and the benefits they have received. Group participants are often surprised that it has helped reduce stress, helped with breathing issues and improved sleep.

My meditations have offered staff an escape from busy schedules and tension. These sessions are a chance to re-connect back to inner calmness and mindfulness as a way of dealing with the anxiety and the challenges that are often experienced in meeting the ever-increasing demands of our workplaces. The value can clearly be seen with increased focus, less stress and an ability to adapt to changes in their environment.


Can you describe who your ideal client is?

At the moment I am helping my family, friends and those at my corporate workplace.

However, I have a keen interest in inspiring and supporting women.  I have had to overcome so many challenges relating to divorce and being a single mother.  I understand what a lot of women go through. The painful emotions they face during these challenge times. The fears that surface in the mind, the self-doubts and the limiting beliefs.

Although I do want to continue supporting the elderly as it is rewarding for me.  When my father passed, away I volunteered to help the elderly.  This led me to work as a CareGiver for one and a half years.

I’m looking forward to with my community, and all people, to help create peace and love in the world.


What would you say to someone who is thinking about becoming a meditation teacher?

Follow your heart. The journey you take while learning to meditate and teach meditation will automatically lead you closer to a more fulfilling and purposeful life. You will start to feel and see things in a different light. You will become more grounded, more balanced and living more harmoniously with life.


What have you enjoyed about studying with ACMM?

The very knowledgeable and wonderful ongoing support of my coaches. I have felt loved and nurtured every step of the way. I have enjoyed learning with the different coaches. Each coach has contributed their knowledge and experiences to the unfoldment of my own path. The genuine love for their own meditation practice and teaching shines through all the training.

I’ve enjoyed the extensive content and resources of the training. The wonderful opportunity to connect with like-minded people and to meet all of my coaches at the Retreat. This time away gave me a sense of belonging to this wonderful community of inspirational people.

ACMM has supported me to re-discover the I AM awareness that lives in the stillness within me. Studying this course has allowed me to access this inner wisdom so that I can share this in the most effective way with others – sharing what I love.



If Teresa’s journey inspires you to learn more about becoming a meditation teacher, please see our helpful article The Definitive Guide to Becoming a Meditation Teacher. If you’d like to learn more about the courses we offer, please visit our Courses page.

We provide a range of post graduate training options and support. CertificateDiploma and Masters courses in Meditation and Mindfulness Teaching. An optional addition to any course is our Community Work Placement Program. It supports new meditation teachers to begin or expand their teaching practice. Download a prospectus for all the details or book a discovery call with us here to find out more!