Julie: bringing Meditation to her community in Broome

Julie: bringing Meditation to her community in Broome

This month we want you to meet ACMM graduate Julie Lax! Julie has recently completed our Community Work Placement program where she ran a 6 week meditation program in Broome, WA for the community organization Broome Circle. In addition to being a meditation and mindfulness teacher, Julie is a registered nurse, child health nurse and midwife in remote Western Australia.

Continue reading to find out Julie’s experience teaching meditation to her community in Broome.

Hi Julie! Tell us a little bit about yourself

Hi, my name is Julie Lax and I live between the two best places in Australia, Broome in the North of Western Australia and Denmark in the south west of Western Australia. We have a boutique apple orchard surrounded by magnificent Karri trees and we are blessed to have an intergenerational living arrangement where my son, his wife and our granddaughter live with us. We have another two adult children who stay on the farm regularly too.

I am a registered nurse, child health nurse and midwife and currently job share a position where I oversee the remote health clinics in Kimberley.

My passion is working with women and bringing meditation to the Broome community. I especially love running women’s circles, including birthing circles and blessing ways and other workshops, I do work with men also.

Julie’s meditation space

What attracted you to the CWP program?

I completed my Certificate in Guiding and teaching Meditation just as the pandemic hit in 2020. With this I put on hold establishing my meditation and workshops business and over the course of time I lost confidence in how to commence my business so I made a commitment that 2023 would be the year I would put myself out there and feel the fear and do it anyway.

I was privileged to listen to Lisa Forde give a talk last year and one of the take aways from this was just start where you are and just do it and develop as you go along. She gave me permission to be me and that I could grow into my business warts and all as I went along. Then the real gift was ACMM were offering a new course. The Community Work Placement Program. This was an answer to my prayers as I had been ruminating about an exact same course.

How has the CWP program impacted you?

The altar Julie created for the Broome Circle meditation class

The course has been perfect for me as it has given me a well-developed structure and support network. I have been guided through the steps of delivering meditation within the community. There is so much flexibility to include my unique skills and gifts. My confidence has grown immensely, and I am feeling comfortable guiding meditation. My coach has been incredible holding space for me. I have begun to believe in my abilities, knowledge and wisdom where I now share these with others.

The program has given me the opportunity to now start facilitating one on one sessions. These have been amazing for my personal growth.  It has also helped me enrich my personal practice even more.

I absolutely love this program, its structure, resources and especially the mentoring from my coach. My confidence and belief in myself are maturing with each session I deliver. Another benefit is the beauty and the depth of the participant that come each week. I gain so much from them too. I am so grateful for this course.

Do you have your own meditation/mindfulness/holistic business, plans to start one?

A nature meditation guided by Julie

From here I will establish my business. I would like to have a dedicated room for running meditation and for the circle work. I want to grow further. This is a work in progress. I have chosen a business name yet to register it so won’t name it just yet. Choosing this name has filled me with excitement. It resonated at a soul level and connected me to my passion and purpose. I will need to explore websites and delivering online, so all a work in progress.

In May, this year I am facilitating a journey through the Kimberley with likeminded women.  I hope to facilitate more over the coming years.

What would you say to someone thinking about enrolling in the CWP Program?

If you are considering doing the CWP I know you won’t have any regrets. Tt will be a fantastic investment in yourself the service to others and for the growth of your business.

You can find out more about Julie’s offerings at:


We provide a range of post graduate training options and support, including our Community Work Placement Program which supports new meditation teachers to begin or expand their teaching practice. Book a discovery call with us here to find out more!