Jaine – Collaboration to share the power of mindfulness

Jaine – Collaboration to share the power of mindfulness

This month we want to introduce you to ACMM Coach Jaine Alston. Jaine has had a long relationship with meditation and it has supported her in may ways throughout her life. She runs her own business combining her skills as a Meditation Teacher and Guide, Holistic Therapist and Reiki/Isis Seichem Practitioner. She loves collaborations with others in her teaching.

Continue reading to hear about Jaine’s journey with meditation. When you join ACMM as a student you get your very own coach to mentor you through the journey.

Hi Jaine! Tell us a little bit about yourself 

I live in the beautiful Jervis Bay area where I have been for nearly 7 years now, previously Northern Beaches of Sydney after I arrived from England almost 17 years ago (I don’t know where that time went!).

My family are situated worldwide, a sister and niece close to me luckily. Dad in New Zealand, another sister in USA and Mum and stepdad in UK.  My family are all originally from Yorkshire and Scotland.

I have 2 dogs Buddy a rescue with lots of personality quirks. And Pepper our Frug with small dog syndrome.

The beach near where Jaine lives
The beach near where Jaine lives

I love going to the gym, studying and food (hence the gym!), I also love aromatherapy and going to soundscapes.

When did you start meditating and why?

I originally started meditating after yoga classes back in my late 20’s, after I suffered a bit of a breakdown and was looking for something to help my panic attacks and anxiety which had become overwhelming.  I progressed on to Manifestation Meditation with my Reiki teacher then to Vipassana Meditation where I attended a 10 day silent retreat back in 2013. I also attended a short Buddhist Meditation course before finding ACMM and completed my Advanced Certificate in Guiding and Teaching Meditation and Diploma, which was life changing!

What does your current meditation practice look like

I have quite an eclectic meditation practice, I love breathwork, mindful manifestation, tuning in to what I need every day. Running is a favourite practice, music, sound, drumming.  Intuitive self-guidance, grounding, body work, journaling, automatic writing.

Beautiful art by Jaine

I love listening to my students’ meditation recordings.  I find being present in the small things really allows me to embrace my Aquarian Ascendant side. I also facilitate a Power of 8 Group where we focus intentional healing; remotely or in person. I love collaboration with others to share meditation with the community.

What have been some of the benefits you have experienced from meditation?

There are so many benefits to my meditation practice that I have found. Self-acceptance has been huge! Embracing everything including those parts we so often don’t want to look at.  Less reactivity (I am still human and I am still aware of my work in progress).  Finding space to embrace the grief of the last couple of years, so much has changed. Yet also I have found so much to embrace and be grateful for.

What was the biggest challenge you have faced when meditating and what did you do to overcome it or manage it?

I LOVE the connection to my body and senses through my meditation practice.  I was so resistant as a student (poor Helen my coach!).  It took me a while to really understand the benefits of Grounding and Body Connection. So for me the mind, body, spirit aspect has been phenomenal.  We are such incredibly miraculous beings when we begin to turn inwards to the complexity of our physical form. Including becoming aware of our energy centres, Chakras and tuning into our own personal responsibility in life. It really has been such a gift!

I still have days that challenge me in sitting. However I am a lot kinder and more compassionate with myself and simply sit and see what happens.

Can you tell us who your favourite meditation teachers or mentors are?

I love Pema Chodron. Her humour and earthiness really inspire me (I can’t believe she’s 80!!).  Frank Ostaseski is such an inspiration, a true humanitarian.  I have had some amazing mentors who have been dear friends and my challenges have been my biggest teachers! I would love to add Helen, my ACMM coach here too. Acknowledging her amazing patience, openness and care through my unfolding as a student.  I see some of myself in so many of my students and giggle to myself about those mirrors and love the work!

How have you used collaboration to grow your meditation and mindfulness business?

I run a meditation group on Wednesdays, and a Power of 8 group straight after. Working on intentional healing.

I love collaboration with friends and run meditation day retreats. I am working with a fabulous Shamanic Drum facilitator on a 3 night retreat in October working with all things meditation and creativity in the beautiful Kangaroo Valley.

Setting up for working with her clients

I am also currently studying as a Holistic Counsellor. I want to combine my skills as a Meditation Teacher and Guide, Holistic Therapist, Reiki/Isis Seichem Practitioner. My meditation practice has been integral to all of these.

What do you love most about being a coach at ACMM?

I love watching my students unfolding into their practice. Watching their self-knowledge, getting to know my students and their exciting plans and seeing their confidence grow. I am often so humbled by the amazing souls I am lucky enough to spend time with. This really is a job I love. It is always so amazing and inspirational.

Also the support and care from Lisa, all of our other amazing Coaches. Andrea and Aidan our awesome Admin staff too, it all makes this wonderful work so special.

What supportive words would you say to a new meditation teacher?

To a new meditation teacher I would say, remember to have fun, be gentle with yourself and vulnerability is ok.

Smile and know that you are all human, you didn’t come to be perfect, however it’s perfect to be you!

Where do we go if we want to attend one of your classes?

I am currently working on creating a website, however I am on Facebook as One Breath at a Time Meditation. I run meditation classes on a Wednesday afternoon in Huskisson. I also post other events and collaborations as they come along.

ACMM provides a range of accredited online meditation and mindfulness teacher training options and support, including our Post Graduate Diploma and Community Work Placement Program which supports new meditation teachers to begin or expand their teaching practice. Book a discovery call here to find out more!