Helen: leaves the corporate world to follow her holistic meditation business dreams

Helen: leaves the corporate world to follow her holistic meditation business dreams

This month we want you to meet ACMM student and soon to be graduate Helen Mullan.  Helen is based in Sydney and after 14 years of working in the corporate world decided to set up her own holistic meditation business. She is also a Reiki energy and sound healer and a yoga teacher who has now added meditation and mindfulness to her skill set!

Continue reading to find out more.

Hi Helen! Tell us a little bit about yourself 

I’m originally from Ireland but adopted by beautiful Sydney 5 years ago.  It’s now my home away from home. I lived and fell in love with Australia many moons ago when backpacking. However both love, along with a transfer with my past career as a global recruiter for Airbnb, and the Universe, guided me back down under.

In these past 5 years my life as I once knew it has changed in the most wonderful of ways.  I have since taken that leap from the corporate world after 14 years in Recruitment to set up my own holistic meditation business HealFlowBreathe. Now I get to live my passions and purpose and help others on their own journey. I am a Reiki energy and sound healer, yoga teacher. And also have the honour of adding meditation and mindfulness teaching to my holistic toolbelt. I have never felt more joy and fulfillment in what I do; serving others.

These incredible modalities have really supported. They have helped to shape and evolve the person that I am today. I feel so truly honoured and blessed. As in turn, get to help other souls to become the true versions of themselves as well.

I have also just become a new mumma bear with our gorgeous little girl called Hannah. So I am taking some time out to soak up every single cuddle, giggle and smile. I love spending time with my deep loves; my little family and holistic practices. You will otherwise find me outside soaking up the abundance of nature this stunningly beautiful country has to offer. Whether that be hiking, surfing, running, yoga or searching for our migrating whale friends along the cliffs. One of my other greatest loves is to travel and immerse myself in local cultures and communities. So I am super excited to get on a plane again real soon. I am also one of nine siblings so I spend much of my time connecting with loved ones back at home. I absolutely love reading and learning more about anything and everything relating to mediation, holistic and alternative therapies.


What attracted you to become a meditation teacher and study with ACMM?

I had dabbled in meditation for many years but only really started to truly connect to and practice in the last 5-6 years. Once I trained in and started doing self Reiki and yoga daily, these practices felt very meditative for me.  The peace, the ease and sense of wellbeing that came really began to transform my life. It also changed my perceptions and my interactions and relationships. I had completed a yin yoga teaching course in Bali where yoga nidra had played a large part in my learnings there. After that I knew I just wanted to learn more about Meditation and Mindfulness and again help others in the way I knew it had helped me.

Having extensively researched; I came across and was led to ACMM. I thoroughly read through the course content, the wide range of electives as well as the reviews. When I watched the video clips from the teachers and students, every intuitive cell in my body knew that this course and community was exactly where I was to be. At this stage I had just recently created my holistic meditation business called HealFlowBreathe. I had the Reiki and sound Healing element and the Flow for Yinyasa and Yin Yoga. Now my meditation and mindfulness journey fell so perfectly aligned with all three components and especially the Breathe element. It was as if the Universe was so divinely guiding me along each stepping stone of my beautiful Bodhi path.

How has meditation impacted you on a personal level – what are the benefits you have seen?

It’s difficult to articulate just how profoundly meditation has impacted me. When I look back on my life 6 plus years ago in my early 30’s, I was in such a different space. Not just geographically, but in my frame of mind. I somewhat feel like I was a whole different person back then. At least I was internally and in the way I viewed myself. How I viewed others, my perceptions and the world around me.

Like most people in this lifetime I too have experienced many wonderful highs, but have also suffered greatly in terms of challenges, grief and loss. It is of course all part and parcel of our human experience in this lifetime after all! Looking back at the lows,  through the lense of my development  I see these times of darkness are what have also cracked me open. They brought through the most brilliant of light. When I look back now I have my “aHa” moment it all makes sense. There was purpose and a valuable lesson to be learnt here. Even through the grief of losing both my beloved mum and dad, my faith has greatly strengthened. I know that there is a bigger picture at play. That they are still with me and that we are always connected. Maybe not on a physical level, but in a more wondrous way than perhaps we are able to even put into words as humans.

Meditation has allowed me to invite space in between the moments. The moments of judgement and ego, the simple moments of contemplation. It has been a friend that has given me the space to pause and to reflect, to sit with and be present. To be curious and compassionate, to just breathe and to simply Be. It has allowed me to see through the fog and presented clarity of the picture whole. It has been a comfort and a reminder. Most importantly of all, meditation and mindfulness has brought me home… to love.

What does your personal meditation practice look like? What styles or types of meditation do you enjoy?

I love to vary my meditation practice and on any given day. It really just comes down to what my mind, body and soul is craving. I like to spend some time in the morning in gratitude . I do it by either prayer or closing down my eyes and listing all that I am thankful for. Repeating affirmations and mantras is something I like to do. Some of these touch on manifesting also. I usually always do grounding each morning and delve into another practice such as Vipassana.

Again, depending on my day and especially with being a new mum, my practice can vary. I love to take a few minutes of body and breath connection. Especially when in nature on our daily walks by the ocean or in the park. While doing my self reiki I also include a visualisation practice. Regardless of how little time I may have; even if it’s a hectic day, I will always take some moments out just to visit myself and connect in. I am loving how through my growth and the evolution of my practice, there are more and more moments of awareness settling in within each new day.

Do you have your own meditation/mindfulness/holistic business, plans to start one?

Yes indeed, as mentioned I have a holistic meditation business called HealFlowBreathe. I also have an online platform called ‘Heal, Flow and Breathe with Helen’ where I hosted live weekly yoga and meditation practices. As well as monthly distance healings, women gatherings and little nuggets of mindfulness and well being tips, blogs and so on. This initiative also acted as a learning library for my clients to refer to and practice with all the resources I had built in.

I also had the opportunity to create and facilitate a corporate meditation and mindfulness workshop for a group of employees at a multinational based in Malaysia. With regards to meditation and mindfulness I compiled a library of meditations I created since joining ACMM . I share these alongside other wellbeing strategies to my reiki and online platform clients. Sometimes I will also jump on my socials live and host a meditation practice too.

In my new holistic meditation business, my client base varies but would be primarily females 28-45 age bracket. I also have a number of male clients which I am so thankful for. I feel men are now beginning to become more open to alternative therapies. This is so wonderfully inspiring and encouraging to see. Most of my clients have come to me as relatively new to meditation as well as therapies such as Reiki. So it brings such joy to see how much of a difference this work and the impact of these practices are having. The transformation for them is incredible to witness and I feel so blessed to be able to serve as well as to call many of these my friends today.

For the moment however, I have paused my offerings to dedicate my time to being a new mom.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about becoming a meditation teacher?

Sign up today!! I honestly never knew how much this course would change my own life. I went in with the expectation of learning the foundations and basics. So that I could feel fairly well equipped and confident enough to lead and introduce meditation and mindfulness practices to my clients.

This course has far exceeded and blew any expectations I had out of the water. It has been such a path of positive self growth. I never expected to dive so deeply into every aspect of myself. I revisited many parts of me that needed revisiting and healing. Each section and each elective has helped me to unfurl and to peel back and explore another layer. It has been emotional, exhilarating and exquisitely transformational all rolled into one! Even though at the time, facing those parts of me that felt extremely heavy to revisit, it has brought so much lightness and clarity here. As well as this, this course has gently supported me in becoming a better and much happier and present human-being. A better versed and compassionate meditation and mindfulness teacher than I could ever have hoped for.

What have you enjoyed about studying at ACMM?

The content and reiteration of the key learnings throughout each section. The daily practices and assessment work as well as the vast array of electives which have been a sheer joy to embark upon. In comparison to school and university learnings I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I’ve been engaged with and just loved studying with ACMM. I’m currently soaking up all the goodness of the Buddhist Psychology elective. Which is stirring such a passion and longing to learn more for this heavenly way of living.

I am also so grateful for the teachers and in particular my mentors and main coach Morgan. She has been so knowledgeable, supportive and nurturing throughout my time at ACMM.

You can find out more about Helen and her offerings at:

Helen Mullan – Sydney

Reiki & Sounder Healer, Yoga and M&M teacher, Coactive life coach

Instagram: Healflowbreathe

Would you like to step onto a fulfilling new path like Helen? Learn more about our Accredited CertificateDiploma and Masters courses. Turn your love of wellness and meditation into a new business!