Anila: Setting Up A New Healing Centre in Sri Lanka

Anila: Setting Up A New Healing Centre in Sri Lanka

 This month we want you to meet ACMM graduate Anila Paul! Anila  lives in Sri Lanka. She is in the process of setting up the Ayuda Centre of Healing.  This will integrate evidence based clinical and eastern medicine with mind-body-spiritual experiences.

Continue reading to find out more about Anila’s rich and challenging story. She has achieved so much both before and during her studies with ACMM.  With everything going on in her country, Anila still managed to attend many live group meditation sessions. Including her support sessions with her coach. What an inspiration!

ACMM is a non-denominational college that welcomes students of all faiths.

Hi Anila! Tell us a little bit about yourself 

Anila’s background

“I graduated as a medical doctor from Bangalore University in India where I met my Sri Lankan husband. I grew up in Southern India to wonderful and caring parents. Surrounded by grandparents and extended family, they instilled in me a sense of community, justice, equality and acceptance. As well as a love of people and animals centred in Orthodox Syrian Christian beliefs.

Following my marriage, I moved to Sri Lanka. During this period the country was going through ethic and Tamil Separatist and Marxist-Leninist insurrections. This led to bombings and killings of innocent people which affected our lives. Such that we decided to migrate to New Zealand in the 1990’s.

Moving to New Zealand

In New Zealand, I pursued and education in mental health and addictions to become a psychotherapist working in hospitals. I did this after completing my post graduate studies in health sciences and rehabilitation and Masters in Addiction Science from Virginia Commonwealth University and University of Adelaide.  I took up several leadership and clinical positions in and around New Zealand and Australia. It was humbling and extremely rewarding to work among individuals and families affected by mental health and addictions. The support was in the form of counselling, group therapies and just being there with them.

Setting up a healing centre in Sri Lanka

Seeking adventure and challenges, our training opened up corridors to advance our skills both in  Indonesia and Myanmar. I moved to Sri Lanka, where we have a hobby farm set up as a social enterprise to support our village community. We rescue animals on a small scale. We are also setting up “Ayuda Centre of Healing” that integrates an evidence based clinical and eastern medicine with mind-body-spiritual experiences under one umbrella. This new venture consolidates everything I have learnt in my life’s journey. It brings a sense of hope and embodiment to the community and a place to heal. I am passionate about advocating for animals, learning, hiking, working out, writing poems, reading philosophy and religion, art, and cooking for my friends.”

What attracted you to become a meditation teacher and study with ACMM?

“It all started during the Covid pandemic, where life came to a standstill. I started to pay attention to my own thoughts, emotions, weakness, values and goals. I realised that I thrived on stress and wanted something to quieten my mind, reflect on inner beauty and meaning. So I googled mindfulness, meditation and lo and behold ACMM popped up.  I knew it was meant to be and I followed the steps into meditation. There, I discovered stillness, nothingness and an  attitude of coming home. I loved the curriculum, and the electives  were spot on.  The vast number of high quality professionals and coaches that are available at ACMM are exemplary.”

How has meditation impacted you on a personal level – what are the benefits you have seen?

“Tremendous boost in productivity, calmness, peace, focus, general balance and emotional well-being. I also found my voice calmer and am able to be more compassionate and empathetic. There is a sense of joy within me like a child and I have come home to find a place that cares for me.”

What does your personal meditation practice look like? What styles or types of meditation do you enjoy?

“I practice most evenings and now started morning meditation as well. My style varies according to my mood. So it is relaxation, tonglen practices, chakras, sound and movement meditation. I settle into Christian mantra on and off and heart centred practices.”

Do you have your own meditation/mindfulness/holistic business, plans to start one?

“Since I am based in Sri Lanka,  I have to start from ground zero. I am currently working with a group to develop mental wellness programs for corporate and other organizations. My clinical and meditation practices are being set up via zoom for any group that needs my services locally and internationally.  I have embarked on building a community and residential program at Ayuda Centre of Healing for individuals and families affected by mental health, addictions, trauma and stress. These programs will support our clients using counselling and integration of holistic practices. I also hope to start having some classes through my website once it is ready.”

What would you say to someone who is thinking about becoming a meditation teacher?

“Take some time to learn as much as you can about meditation. Be prepared to walk the talk so you better understand your future students. Make sure you are getting into meditation for the right reasons such as seeking knowledge. Or using meditation as an  integrative practice within the your current field. Choose a credible meditation coach, instructor or organization. Also make time to prepare your practice and share your gift to the world like a cheer leader, but calmer.”

What have you enjoyed about studying with ACMM?

“I enjoyed the curriculum and so many wonderful electives. It was informative, extensive, deep and it had specific information on different techniques  how to write a guided meditation, the science behind the different types of techniques.

The coaches were kind, patient and super helpful and gracious with their knowledge and time. They were brilliant. I do miss not meeting them personally.

During my study I explored my views of meditation from a Christian perspective and had several discussions with my coach. I was able to develop guided meditation for Christians like me. Reading Buddhists texts helped me to understand more the differences between both these religions and secular mindfulness which was more appealing to the world view. I continue to educate myself about both these religions and their tie with meditation and mindfulness.”

You can find out more about Anila’s offerings at:

Website: ( Under construction)

WhatsApp +94778853029 for regional and international clients.

We provide Basic Certification right up to Diploma level training that includes supervision. A range of post graduate training options and support, are also available, including our Business Lounge Program which supports new meditation teachers to begin or expand their teaching practice. Download a prospectus for all the details.