Does Fear Hold You Back From Teaching Meditation?

Does fear hold you back from meditation teaching

Does Fear Hold You Back From Teaching Meditation?

Recently over 40 of our treasured ACMM students and Business Lounge members gathered online for our Peer Connection Group. During this online gathering of connection we explored the powerful theme of Does fear hold you back from Meditation Teaching?

How does fear impact our meditation teaching?

Fear is a normal experience, yet it is one that can hold us back in sharing our gifts and living our dreams. But what would it feel like to shift your personal narrative when it comes to fear? What if you could learn to embrace it rather than deny it? What if it could become your greatest motivator?

Tuning into these questions as a group and holding space for each other to share our experiences, learnings and insights was deeply nurturing and supportive.  It affirmed that there really is so much shared wisdom and compassion that can come from gathering as a group.

Some of the key insights we explored as a group were:

  • Fear is a normal experience many of us face, let’s talk about it and normalise it.
  • It’s normal to feel fear when we’re doing something we love, it shows we care.
  • Holding fear with compassion, allowing it to be another sensory experience can be a supportive approach to shift the experience of fear.
  • Feeling the energy of fear and using that as a motivator to take inspired action may support you with the momentum you’re looking for.
  • Feeling fear doesn’t mean you’re not good enough or don’t know enough.  It’s a normal feeling when we’re out of our comfort zone.

Being inspired by Sir Richard Branson

We also had the chance to watch the following inspiring short video which further shifted our perspective of fear. It shares the concept of turning toward fear, rather than away from it. This helped us to find ways through the problem of “Does fear hold you back from Meditation Teaching?”

Following our group discussion, and feeling inspired after watching the video, the group flowed into breakout rooms where each group was invited to come up with an inspiring acronym for the word fear. In the images below, you’ll find some of their creative answers.

Does fear hold you back from meditation teaching  Does fear hold you back from meditation teaching

Watch as our Peer Connection Group hosts and ACMM mentors Sammy Wynn and Brea Willingham recap on the session:

Author – ACMM Mentor, Samantha Wynn

As a student at ACMM you will have free access to attend our regular online Peer Connection Groups. This is a space for you to come together with your fellow ACMM peers to connect, collaborate, explore, and lean on each other as you navigate your own path as a meditation student and teacher. These groups are designed to support you to share ideas, gain insight from the collective wisdom of the group and access inspiration from like-minded people.

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