Dee: Award Winning Mindfulness Teacher for Children

Dee: Award Winning Mindfulness Teacher for Children

This month we want you to meet ACMM graduate Dee Brilley! Dee is from Junee NSW and is an ACMM graduate and Early Childhood Teacher. She has used her her meditation qualification to start her own business, Embracing Embodied Minds. Dee is a mindfulness teacher for children who allows them to express themselves authentically and creatively.

Continue reading to find out how Dee is supporting children in her community.

Hi Dee! Tell us a little bit about yourself 

I am a Mum of two beautiful young children, living with my partner in a small rural town within the Riverina on Wiradjuri Country. Being a lifelong lover of learning, I enjoy getting lost in a good book. I knew from a young age that I wanted to work with children as this is something that I am deeply passionate about. Having taught in long day care for 16 years I hold a Bachelor of Teaching. I am currently the Early Childhood Teacher of a Preschool room for children from the ages of 4 -5. In my position as Educational Leader of the centre, I have ahd the privilege of inspiring fellow educators in our pedagogy and practise journey. To continually provide high quality outcomes for our children and their families.

In June of this year (2022) I completed my Certificate In Guiding and Teaching Meditation and Mindfulness through the Australian Centre for Meditation and Mindfulness. I am currently working through my Certificate In Creative Mindful Education for children where I am loving the journey of merging my two passions together through the mentorship from Janet Etty Leal. I have brought my studies together to become a mindfulness teacher for children.

What attracted you to become a mindfulness teacher for children and study with ACMM?

Over the past five years in our classrooms, our team noticed an increase in children each year, that were exhibiting behaviours of anxiety and dysregulation. We had also been supporting more families and children working through adverse experiences or stressful events, and COVID amplified all these observations. In our exploration as a service, to assist our children and their families, we were successful in an Innovative Solutions Application. This funding assisted us to dip our toes in some professional development around mindful practises, trauma informed education, whilst exploring community connections.

The shift within our classroom was clear and made me realise I wanted to deepen our exploration and fulfill my desire to learn more in order to become a mindfulness teacher for children. This guided me to enrol in the Certificate in Guiding and Teaching Meditation and Mindfulness.

How has meditation impacted you on a personal level – what are the benefits you have seen? 

I dove into exploring meditation and mindfulness with the goal to support the children within my classrooms. Of course, I never expected the course to change my life personally.  But it was clear within the first session that to truly teach and guide others, I first had to embody the work. I began my own personal practise, where I found that it was not easy for me. Tt was uncomfortable to begin with, due to the unknown.

My personal practise assisted me in exploring my own adverse childhood experiences and how they show up for me today. This journey has not only allowed me to unpack my past, but also allowed me to find amazing support through the ACMM community. It has shown me how to be more present for my loved ones and it has inspired my own children to acknowledge their superpowers that they carry within. All whilst I teach as I learn, creating newfound waves within the Early Childhood Profession.

In October 2022 our Centre team were awarded the National Hesta Early Childhood Education and Care Award for Advancing Pedagogy and Practice. The dedication my team have made to creating change and embracing mindful practices is beyond my expectation. Not only have I embodied the practice, but it has helped me expose our youngest generation to just how powerful stillness and connection to self can be. I am loving being a mindfulness teacher for children.

What does your personal meditation practice look like? What styles or types of meditation do you enjoy?

I personally jump in and out of different forms of meditation, depending on where I am personally. At present I am drawn to movement, yoga, dance and walking meditation. These are allowing me to turn in whilst shifting energy. I enjoy guiding and teaching what I find comfort in. This for me sees a deep connection for those I share space with.

I practise journaling and free writing almost every day. If I was to share one singular practise that I hold close to my heart, it is journalling. It is for me the practise that has had the biggest impact and I turn to the most.

Do you have your own meditation/mindfulness/holistic business, plans to start one?

After graduation I felt I was called to share all that I had experienced, as a teacher as well as through my own personal journey and meditation practise. My inspirations for my newfound teaching style are to allow children to embrace who they are with love, whilst stepping into accepting themselves as who they are.

I began Embracing Embodied Minds to offer a space where children can express themselves authentically and creatively. Enlightenment, authenticity, connection, and a nurturing environment are of high importance to me, in my aspiration for Embracing Embodied Minds. My goal for Embracing Embodied Minds is to explore adaptable techniques through interest based, fun mindful tools for children.

My vision is to broaden and bring awareness around trauma informed education. Whilst highlighting the deep importance of emotional literacy; the way in which emotions arise, sit and feel even for our youngest generation. If I can expose children to mindfulness, they can carry their preferred practises for life, being able to pull on them throughout any hardships over their lifetime. I believe we must sit alongside children in co-regulation, whilst scaffolding, role modelling and co-creating to explore these mindful practises.

I want children to have a voice, feel seen, safe, soothed and secure. We have the capacity to create change and continue to set these children up with amazing life skills. They are our future leaders.

Are you running any classes/programs/workshops?

I am currently teaching as a Preschool Teacher 3 days a week in a long day care centre. Our centre team have spent the last two years embedding a mindful curriculum that sits alongside our educational curriculum. Highlighting how important embodying these life skills are to us. Our ‘Trauma informed Mindfulness’ has supported our team, children and families to explore ways in which we can work towards inner awareness, explore emotions and better engage in learning. It has reflected lower anxiety levels within the classroom, greater self-acceptance.

I have begun running mindful sessions for 3-5 year old children at the Sangha Studio in Wagga Wagga. I have also had the pleasure of running some workshops and professional development days for fellow educators within my local area.

Moving into 2023 I hope to deepen Embracing Embodied Minds vision and reach. I hope to continue to support and inspire the Early Childhood Profession within my local area through workshops and events for Educators, Teachers, and families, along with being available for consulting and mentoring at Centre and Preschool levels.

I am also going to begin to step into Primary Schools offering term sessions, where I will begin offering classes for Primary School age children at the beautiful Sangha Studio in Wagga

What would you say to someone thinking of becoming a meditation teacher?

It is very much worth it. Trust in the flow, trust in what arises and explore through a playful lens. Just learning and practising is influencing and inspiring others. The feeling and fullness I receive after guiding a meditation group or a children’s mindfulness offering is uplifting and potent.

What have you enjoyed about studying with ACMM?

I am astounded at how I have found myself. How much more accepting of myself I am. And that am now the most authentic version of myself. ACMM provided so much more than just the opportunity to teach and guide mediation and mindfulness. I look back to where I started and see a very different version of myself. Both in the classroom, the studio and in my personal life.

My coach was amazing and wish she could follow me to continually touch base and assist with deep reflection. I now have a therapist that my coach referred me to in my time of need. She has been a strong pillar for me finding my confidence and allowing my goals, ideas and offerings come to fruition. I am deeply grateful to have stumbled upon the ACMM community and thankful to still be held within the space.

You can find out more about Bree’s offerings at:



We provide Teaching Certification right up to Diploma and Masters level training that includes supervision. A range of post graduate training options and support, are also available.  Including our Community Work Placement Program and Business Lounge Program. They support new meditation teachers to begin or expand their teaching practice. Download a prospectus for all the details.