Dan – Meditation, Music, Naturopathy and Reiki

Meditation Teacher Melbourne Dan Carroll

Dan – Meditation, Music, Naturopathy and Reiki

This month we want you to meet ACMM Student and soon to be graduate Meditation Teacher Dan Carroll! Dan works as a House Supervisor supporting people with a disability to live their best life. He is also a musician, naturopath, and a reiki practitioner who is planning to launch his meditation, naturopathy and reiki business next year. With an interest in developing corporate meditations, studying sound healing, Dan is looking forward to completing his Diploma in Meditation teacher training next year.

Continue reading to learn more about Dan’s journey:

Hi Dan! Tell us a little bit about yourself 

Dan holds a Bachelor’s degree in social science with a focus on Social Welfare. He has completed an Advanced Diploma in Health Science specializing in Naturopathy, a Diploma in Herbal Medicine, and a Practitioner’s Diploma in Nutrition. Also possessing certifications in Remedial Massage, Occupational Health and Safety, and Training & Assessment. Recently, he also completed his Level 2 Reiki course and became a Dive Master.

Dan’s passions

“I am passionate about music. Starting with singing in choirs at primary school, and church and then became inspired to play trumpet in secondary school which led to Euphonium, Trombone, Tenor horn and various Tubas. Then I taught myself Bass Guitar in year 10, and decided I would be a Rock Star! Playing an original band in the early ’90s brought some success; however, we eventually split and went on our separate journeys. My music career paused. Interestingly it was during these times that I became attracted to meditation and practised often, and had many fantabulous experiences, meditating on the road.”

After this, I worked in the finance industry for many years in the ’90s selling insurance and financial products. I also acted as a model and an extra on many TV shows and movies.

A deep Spiritual connection

Despite having grown up with atheist parents, I’ve always had a deep spiritual connection and passion to learn more about life and its mysteries. Being very interested in studying religious texts, especially the bible and Buddhism. I read widely and have collected many books on various topics. In the mid-’90s, I took a few weeks off work to work out what to do with my life.  This also coincided with seeing the Dalai Lama. Subsequently, I decided to study Naturopathy, (and quit the finance sector).  This course really resonated with me, and I found it easy to do the study.

Helping people through his work

I then started working with people who had acquired brain injuries. After I graduated, I planned to start a business, instead, I started working at Kew Cottages, supporting people with disabilities. Then slowly getting immersed in the world of disability. Working as an Operations Manager for four years. Due to the stress of long hours and surviving through Covid, I decided to step down 12 months ago. Honestly have been immeasurably happier ever since. I am currently a House Supervisor supporting people with a disability to live their best life.

Opening up new horizons

In 2000 I met my wife. During our honeymoon in 2004, she introduced me to Scuba diving, and I fell in love with it. She also introduced me to snowboarding, which I really enjoyed, as well as motorbikes. We have been living in our cozy house in Burwood, Victoria since then, and have been blessed with one child who is about to turn 16 in a few weeks. In our home we also have a Cavoodle called Raf. In my free time, I play bass in a cover band with some old school friends. Also enjoying going to the gym, playing golf, meditating, studying, and cooking vegetarian meals for my family, thanks to the Brahma Kumaris retreat I attended.

What attracted you to become a meditation teacher and study with ACMM?

During a holiday in January 2022, my wife asked me if I had considered becoming a meditation teacher. It was at this time I decided to join a meditation class with a Tibetan Buddhist Monk. In August 2022, I found myself researching courses for meditation teacher training. After considering various options, I was drawn to ACMM as it offered a thorough curriculum and flexible payment plans. Additionally, there were so many positive testimonials about the program. There was also a recommendation from a Yoga Instructor my wife knew who had completed the course, which all convinced me to enrol in the program.

How has meditation impacted you on a personal level?

Meditation Teacher Dan CarrollI think meditation has helped me to improve all my relationships.  I’m calmer and less stressed.  Don’t feel anxious. Am more able to go with the flow and be in the moment. Living each day in a state of gratefulness, for every experience good and bad. Have also developed a real sense of awe and wonder in nature.

Meditation as a source of support

Meditation is at the centre of my being.  The wellspring from which all thought, creativity, passion and spontaneity emanate. What I have discovered, is that meditation has strengthened my ability to not react in the presence of stimuli.  I am then able to choose a more appropriate response, in difficult situations. Feeling a clear sense of purpose and a direction that I am working toward. Am excited for the future and for what is yet to come.

I feel conscious and present. Am making better decisions, in all areas of life as a result. Feeling I have come full circle, as meditation led me to study Naturopathy, and now it has led me back to healing in ever greater ways.

What does your personal meditation practice look like? What styles or types of meditation do you enjoy?

I meditate every day – sometimes twice a day, or at work on a break. Listening to relaxing music is something I also really enjoy. Using Mantras, simply observing my breath, walking meditations in nature as well as underwater meditation (on a dive) are my favourite methods.

I love sitting and meditating in nature and getting to that place of bliss that words cannot adequately describe. Recently, I have also been doing a lot of self-Reiki which has been interesting.

Do you have your own meditation/mindfulness/holistic business, plans to start one?

I am planning to quit full-time work, hopefully early next year, and work as a casual in disability whilst starting my business.  Finally having registered a domain name, and an ABN and felling ready to start a meditation group at a neighbourhood house and move toward corporate meditation work.

I am planning to start my Naturopathy business and offer Reiki treatments. Ideally, I would like to continue studying next year and do the Diploma in Meditation Teacher training and see where that will take me. My sights are on buying singing bowls, and exploring sound healing, as I have fallen in love with the sound of these at the ACMM retreats.

What would you say to someone thinking of becoming a meditation teacher?

Listen to your heart, be courageous and take the leap, you won’t regret it. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Trust in the process and trust in yourself, the journey into yourself is the best journey of all.

What have you enjoyed about studying with ACMM?

I have enjoyed the positive feedback from Jen my coach. Loved the two retreats I have been on especially the recent one in the Blue Mountains. Loved it all! I feel so grateful to be welcomed into this community.

Watch this space for future updates as Dan’s website and offerings go live next year – www.inazone.com.au

We provide Teaching Certification right up to Diploma and Masters level training that includes supervision. A range of post graduate training options and support, are also available, including our Community Work Placement Program and Business Lounge Program which supports new meditation teachers to begin or expand their teaching practice. Download a prospectus for all the details.