How To Become a Meditation Teacher

How To Become a Meditation Teacher

Discover the important skills on how to become a meditation teacher, what to consider before choosing a Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher training and how our courses help you reach your goals and cultivate key skills required to teach confidently.

The essence of teaching meditation

Becoming a meditation teacher is a process that needs to be felt and embodied. This is why our training is of a holistic nature – and the mentoring system is on a one-to-one basis. So, you can really feel held –and use that experience to inform how you support others.

How to become a meditation teacher: Skills required and how ACMM can support you

A regular meditation practice

We have people who have only been meditating 6 months or a year, and students who have been meditating for 40 years, who already teaching when they join us. At ACMM, with our one-on-one coaching, we will meet you where you are right now. Our coursework also has plenty of support, tips, and activities to help you cultivate a regular meditation practice.

Trauma-sensitive teaching and facilitation

The ABS says that around 75% of people have experienced at least one traumatic event in their life. 62–68% of young people will have been exposed to at least one traumatic event by the age of 17.

We need to be able to deliver guided experiences in a way that is trauma sensitive and to facilitate discussion and hold space with confidence. The teaching at ACMM is subtle, and layered and helps you cultivate a deep presence. If something opens up for someone in your group, you will know how to handle it in a way that will support them can be very empowering.

Conducting guided meditation effectively and in a way that is most supportive

As a meditation teacher, you want to give students the best possible experience under your guidance. In ACMM’s training, you will learn how to guide long (and short) meditations without a script!  This is something you practice and develop over the very practical curriculum. You’ll be writing meditation scripts of many kinds and gaining lots of practice over time. You’ll also learn:

  • Trauma-sensitive, supportive language, style, and tone
  • Understand what the different parts of a guided meditation involve and why
  • How to teach all the main sets of practices

Effective and competent teaching

You will gain the confidence to guide a range of techniques.  Don’t rely on templates to put together a course or workshop.  Being able to guide a meditation anytime, anywhere for most audiences, is a skill you will relish. If you’ve completed a good quality course you will be able to say YES to whatever comes your way!

Being prepared when opportunities arise

Meditation and mindfulness teachers today are being sought out to work within just about every sector out there from legal firms, engineering, IT, hospitals, aged care, gyms, holistic health centres, allied health centres, sporting organisations, charitable organisations, councils, NDIS plan managers/providers to name a few. Also, groups, retreats, workshops, courses and events for the general community are very popular, plus 1-1 work is another growing area.


ACMM Work Placement Program

ACMM facilitates a Community Work Placement program which is a great introduction for organisations who might not otherwise have considered employing a meditation teacher. You also have the option to join ACMM’s Business Lounge program which supports you on your journey from being a student to teacher to business owner.

Like to know more? Watch this video for some highlights from the Information Evening, and learn how to become a meditation and mindfulness teacher.

Learn how to bring your whole self to your work and earn an income doing what you love!

If you missed our Information Evening, worry not. Find out if our courses are the right fit for you. Book a Zoom Discovery Call with us today! Or, Download our prospectus to learn more

At ACMM, we offer Certificate, Advanced Certificate, and Post-graduate Diploma and Masters Training Options, with a Community Work Placement program and optional Business Development Support alongside and after your training.