Comparison to Compassion: Embracing Your Uniqueness as a Meditation Teacher

Recently, ACMM Meditation Teaching Community members gathered for our Peer Connection Group Session entitled ‘Navigating Comparison’. This supportive event was designed for new Meditation Teachers and those studying with ACMM. It helped us to explore the challenges that meditation and mindfulness teachers may experience when comparing themselves to others, and begin the process of embracing your uniqueness as a meditation teacher.

Challenges Meditation Teachers Face

ACMM Mentors and PCG Facilitators Jacqui Mulholland and Donna Shiel led an insightful and engaging session focussed on the challenges meditation teachers face when dealing with patterns of comparison. Jacqui and Donna offered practical strategies and real-life examples to help meditation teachers recognised these patterns and shift their perspectives.

Students and graduates of the ACMM tribe got to learn more about this topic, as well as connect and collaborate with each other.

Transforming Comparison Into Embracing Your Uniqueness As A Meditation Teacher

At our recent event, we gathered to delve into the common challenges that arise when we find ourselves trapped in the cycle of comparison. We recognised how these patterns can affect our personal and professional lives, especially within our community of meditation teachers.

The discussion centered on transforming these moments of comparison into opportunities for positive growth and inspiration.

Our experiences and insights, we aimed to help everyone find clarity and alignment with their own values and goals, fostering a supportive environment where authenticity and realistic aspirations can flourish.

Heart shaped hands embracing our uniqueness as a meditation teacher

Some highlights of the session included:

  • Using Comparison to Uncover Our Uniqueness: We explored how comparison, when approached mindfully, can serve as a tool to reveal our individual strengths and unique qualities and begin embracing our uniqueness as a meditation teacher.
  • Continuing to Support Our Sense of Belonging and Worthiness: Our discussions focused on reinforcing the importance of nurturing our sense of belonging and inherent worthiness, regardless of external comparisons.
  • Be Who We Are, Not Who We Think We Need to Be: We highlighted the value of authenticity and encouraged everyone to embrace their true selves rather than conforming to perceived expectations.
  • Connecting with Community and Leaders Who Inspire Us: We emphasized the power of surrounding ourselves with supportive community members and inspirational leaders.
  • Being Mindful of Our Use of Social Media: By staying mindful of how we engage online, we can avoid falling into comparison traps and instead focus on positive and authentic interactions.

As an ACMM Student, and optionally as a graduate, you will have access to these Peer Support sessions designed to help build your confidence as a Meditation Teacher. You will get to connect with other students and graduates and walk away inspired and energised to get your offerings out into the community as only you can!

Watch a short event re-cap from Navigating Comparison with Jacqui and Donna

Thank you to ACMM Coaches Jacqui Mulholland and Donna Lo Bartolo Shiel for facilitating this highly informative, supportive and inspiring session for the ACMM community. Everyone felt a deeper sense of connection with embracing their uniqueness as a meditation teacher.

All ACMM students and graduates have access to our Peer Connection Groups – Sessions that support Meditation Teachers to bring their talents and skills out into the community by bringing support to any fears or blocks that might be preventing them from doing so.

If you enjoyed this blog, you might also enjoy our other peer connection sessions: Navigating challenges with confidence and self compassion, or The gift of giving and receiving.

At ACMM we offer Certificate, Advanced Certificate, Diploma, Community Work Placement and Masters Study Options in Meditation and Mindfulness Teaching and Guiding, with 1:1 mentoring and optional Business Development Support alongside and after your training.

Book a Zoom discovery call with us today to learn more and find out if our courses are the right fit for you –


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